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Our programs

Youth Mentoring 

In a shift from the more traditional one-on-one techniques, H.Y.P.E. will utilize a “village mentoring” concept. We will work with faith-based and other community organizations who have been the foundation for community development and preservation. H.Y.P.E. will work with these organizations to identify and screen possible mentors. Afterwards mentees and mentors will participate in group activities. As needs arise the mentor who is best suited to meet the need will provide individualized mentorship to meet the need. 

Become a H.Y.P.E. Mentor or Partner

A H.Y.P.E.  mentor supervisor will track each participant and mentor's progress in reaching established goals and attendance. H.Y.P.E. will train each willing mentor on best practices, proper mentoring techniques, and organizational culture and values. 


H.Y.P.E. is always looking to partner with like-minded organizations to create opportunities for our participants. We would like to enhance their exposure to careers that they may not normally have access to or even known existed.

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